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Popular positions

The following are just some of the open positions that Staff HR offers:

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Your dream job position

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Looking to fill an essential role or find a replacement is known to be one of the most stressful positions for employers - especially when time pressure is on and the clock is ticking.

Are you wondering how to find the perfect candidate, and fast, without racking up huge expenses? This is where we come in.

What Staff HR can do for your company

Staff HR would take the stress out of sourcing and placing employees without the burden of huge financial outlay


Sourcing Talent

Researching, networking, understanding needs, defining requirements.



Rapid placement, temp-to-hire, direct hire, skills-based, seasonal hiring.


Personnel Management

Administration, business solutions, strategic programs to increase efficiency and reduce turnover.


Payroll Processing

Payroll solutions at your fingertips.

We got you covered

Looking to fill an essential role or find a replacement is known to be one of the most stressful positions for employers - especially when time pressure is on and the clock is ticking.

Are you wondering how to find the perfect candidate, and fast, without racking up huge expenses? This is where we come in.


Law & regulations.


The safety Training You Need
Where You Need It

Over 1,000+ people and 120+ companies trusts us

Decades of experience and high customer satisfaction.